Tuesday, October 20, 2020

~Oakey - Dokey~


Inspiration is a muse ... Sometimes it sparks an idea that grows
like a flame searching for oxygen and sometimes a little spark happens and then just disappears 
 ~ sidetracked forever. Inspiration  is elusive.
 It is not lofty  but rather humbling to be inspired
because it is often the littlest of things that inspire the biggest ideas
~ As  the humble little acorn grows into a mighty oak tree.
 Turkey Oak trees have been growing around my house since before I have lived
here and that's 14 years and counting but  I never paid much attention to them...
Then I started researching the trees surrounding us...We have several oaks, hickory's
and gum trees. All are nice old antique  trees that you can't just go to a store and buy. Turkey oak is 
the most intriguing to me  ... Maybe it's  because I am a bird watcher/lover  and  the name caught my attention?
 I think they probably acquired  their name because some botanist somewhere picked a leaf  up and
said it looked like a turkey track and it stuck  ~ They
do look like turkey tracks!

This year I picked up a turkey oak  leaf and looked closely at it...
It  was haphazardly shaped and  not perfect at all ~ but that's the 
beauty of nature...It doesn't need to be perfect to be beautiful.
I designed this turkey rug to look early american and  earthy and it's  full of warm autumnal colors for the season ...Life is more fun when there are no rules
and you just  create as you go along... Welcome those  little imperfections!

 I think "Turkey Oak" is my favorite design thus far... It just goes to show that a simple leaf in your life can be powerful!
I guess the moral of this story is don't strive to be perfect ...just 
go with it!


You can find this rug on my website... The link is on the sidebar!!!

1 comment:

TheCrankyCrow said...

I loved your insights on inspiration....so very true, but your words express it with a beauty I would never have anticipated. I also love your new rug design! So fun!! I have never ever heard of a turkey oak!!! I am gonig to have to do a little research into oaks. ~Robin~