Thursday, December 21, 2017

~ Merry Wynter ~

 Wynter has just begun and Christmas is nearly here...the year
seems to go by so quickly as we get older...January begins and before you know it,
it's Halloween and then Christmas...
The house is all decked out in it's finery awaiting the next few days
when Santa will arrive... a few short days and this Christmas will be
 a happy memory of time spent with friends and family... Christmas
is, after all, a state of mind and heart... a second Thanksgiving for us to
be thankful for all we have and to love those we hold dear... "Take them
in your arms and hold them tight" ... a line from my favorite movie...
"The Bishop's Wife "

~ Merry Wynter Wyshes ~

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Prims By The Water said...

So very true about the days flying by. Love your tree! Merry Christmas! Janice

Nancy said...

I love your tree...and your archaic spellings!