Friday, December 26, 2008

.....Holiday Rollercoaster.....'s over...when and how did it get by? Every year leaves me with this joyous build up of anticipation and then this unbelievably dumbstruck feeling...When I woke up this morning, I caught myself thinking of when I will be taking the tree down...There's always half of me that wants Christmastime to last forever and then there's the other half that wants to move on into a new...and hopefully better year!....I'm so full of inner turmoil...but time heals all wounds and we all must move forward...

I feel very lazy today but there are so many things I'd like to get caught up on...hmmm, I wonder which one will win! Let me give you a hint...I have been a lazy bum lately! I think I'm deciding my fate right now!! LOL

I hope everyone of you had a wonderful day yesterday and was able to step back from the "blur" of the season and find a little inner peace in yourself and this crazy world...We all need to feel peace and comfort all year round...and this is the best time to begin...just close your eyes and take a deep breath....

Many thanks, once again to all my have made my world much brighter in many, many ways...I look forward to reading your comments and take comfort that someone out there has read thus far...

I hope y'all will stick with me in this new and upcoming year...I'll have plenty of up and downs and so will you but our friendship will grow...Thank you again for visiting my humble blog!

Take Care Friend,


1 comment:

ctlogcabin said...

Good Morning Tina ~
Hope all is well and you are moving ahead with the "big take down" lol That's what I call it.....its always so much fun to put out all the decorations but the "take down" not so much. I like to have everything put away directly after Christmas...but this year I'm being a I haven't even started. Maybe tomorrow ~~
Hugs ~ Connie xox