Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What's Your Problem Ebay?

I just found out some new info today when I visited my ebay group...Ebay is still evolving into a monster...this just might be its mutated spawn!! It is nothing like the free enterprise system I joined a couple of years ago!!
The latest info is that you are not allowed to accept checks or money orders anymore. Everything has to go through Paypal so they can have a share of our money. I have been watching the way Paypal dips into my deposits and I don't like it!!
Last week I had a doll listing (she's relisted now) that they yanked without warning...all because I had my website address on my template!
I have an account with Etsy that I haven't been that serious about...I just wonder if anyone would follow me over there? From what I have learned, they are very fair...Please let me know if there's anyone out there who uses or shops Etsy... I really would like to hear your feedback...
Ebay has the advantage of name recognition right now...that's the only reason I have stayed with them...Hopefully something will come along and unseat them soon!!
Take Care,


Rabbit Hill ~ Handmades by Jenn Tavoletti said...

I agree with you on ebay...what is their problem? I was thinking about starting to list things again when I heard about this new thing. I have an etsy account also but haven't used it yet but it seems they are becoming more popular because ebay is leaving a bad taste in everyones mouth. It's a shame because I used to love it.

Your blog is just lovely. I came upon it from my friend Connie's blog: Log Cabin Primitives. I'll be back to visit again! Have a great day. Blessings ~ Jenn

magic country candles said...

Yes, I shop with Etsy. I have a few friends that sell on there, too. Give it a shot and good luck!