I am very interested in rug hooking and I am definitely in the learning stage of this skilled craft. I am taking it upon myself to practice as much and as often as I can...I love how the wool looks and the colors that it comes in is fabulous...like shopping in a candy store!! So I sat down and gathered my colors together earlier today - for a practice session...love 'em!!
After getting everything pooled together within reaching distance...I became aware of the cats all starting to gather in the room...near my working space...closer, then closer. Tabitha, I have noticed, is a wool lover. When she was a wee little kitten she used to pull the wool out of my practice cloth...We would find woolly worms everywhere!! Now, she just scoots herself under my frame and attacks my wool!!
Then Ninny Muggins appeared and began sizing up the wool basket. All the while, I was desperately trying to learn how to do this... I thought I had successfully shooed her away...but...
She must have seen Tabitha do this earlier...I have never had her crawl under the frame before!! It's very hard to concentrate on practicing perfect loops or even acceptable loops when you are trying to defend your territory...like I was...
Even though today was spent chasing cats away....I enjoyed the design planning stage and it was great poring over the wool, picking my colors...I think rug hooking will be fun...In a cat-free zone, of course!!
Izzy was the only good cat in the room...She just stared at me the whole time...If only the others would have followed her lead...I could have actually got something done today!!
~Have a wonderful weekend~
Take Care,
I had to laugh. Cats can be trouble but they are oh so sweet!
To cute, love all your naughty kitty's.....I am learning hooking too but seem to have some problems, oh well, will keep trying, Francine.
Thanks for the giggle Tina - I have sat back and watched in horror as our cat, as sweet as she is, dive-bombs into a pile of neatly organized doll body parts, attack them and retreat! Gotta love 'em! ~*~Lisa
hi, Tina~
Very pretty-calming gray~
Loving your kitty kats ~ giggles~
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