My husband and I spent all day last Sunday watching the complete Season 3 marathon of Downton Abbey on PBS...I just want to say that I am still in shock and some denial after seeing the season finale... We sat glued to the screen hanging on every episode and getting wrapped up in the lives of this family and their equally interesting staff below stairs...Only to be shocked by the ending...
Why did Matthew have to die? What will Mary and the baby do without him? He loved Mary and his newborn son so much... He had plans to save the castle and run it what will happen?
It is truly nerve-wracking!!
I really don't know how I am going to get over this and make it to season four...I haven't been this wrapped up in a series in quite awhile...Please let me know if you are having the same feelings of disbelief as I am...
Take Care,
I'm with you on this one, Tina. Sybil was devastating but now Matthew, too! Actually, I read where both of the actors playing these characters wanted off of the show so that is why they got written out. But what a way to go!
Hi, I totally agree with you. I've watched Downton from the beginning and I had heard that the actor that played Matthew was leaving the show but much as I liked him they should have just replaced him. The story of Matthew and Mary has been the highlight
of the series and to kill him off on the day his son is born is too much. Not sure I'll watch again. It was a lovely show.
Not only do I agree with you, but after the show was done, PBS came on to sell Season 3 discs and support for PBS itself. Our daughter was SO mad! She wanted to know how they could ask for money after killing off Sybil and Matthew. She is one mad 18 year old fan. I wasn't as impressed with this season as the first 2. I don't know why - it just seemed shorter? I must say Edith is really growing on me. ~Ann
The actor who played Mathew had only signed on for 3 season. He wants to make movies (I saw him on an interview). It will be had to find someone who will have that chemistry with the rest of the actors. I wonder how long we have to wait for season 4? Dianntha
Did you see the special over the weekend about the castle it is filmed in? Very cool to watch.
Like you, I'm in shock over the ending! Perhaps it might not have seemed quite so bad if it hadn't been so graphic? Somehow just the sounds of screeching tires and a crash might have lessened the blow, but I didn't like them showing Matthew dead. :-( Just too awful when the rest of the story was going so well.
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