Thursday, January 31, 2019

~ Winter Watchers~

 Winter weather this year hasn't been  pretty...
 The temperatures have been colder  and we have had  a lot of blustery
winter days...
 That is why I love to fill the bird feeders and watch the little birds as they eat
to their hearts equals warmth.& entertainment.
Yard Kitty is also drawn to this spectacle...she is mesmerized
by these little winged creatures swarming the feeders...
but for a completely different reason!!  lol

Stay Warm!

1 comment:

TheCrankyCrow said...

Happy 2019 Tina (bit late I know LOL). Hope you’re staying warm and is brutal here. Awww, I love Yard Kitty. She looks like a Maine Coon...a breed I have always loved.