Thursday, March 20, 2014

Merry Spring!

 It's officially Spring and today is bright and sunny...I have just finished doing my taxes and all is well with the world ... yippee!! I always take time to monitor all the activity outside at the feeders and birdhouses...It's so relaxing to watch the bird world outside...with a camera in hand!!!
 We have recently had some bluebird "house hunting" activity and hopefully some new tenants soon! The boy typically scouts out the area ...He apparently likes our  nice little red house...Then he has to inspect it (above) for his little lady friend...
 She  arrived behind him and did her fair share of inspecting...It seems to be a very intense and complicated process...not to be taken lightly or to be rushed...We are waiting patiently now to see if they approve ...and return!
This little group of finches have been very busy at the suet feeder...The peanut butter and jelly flavor seems to be the main attraction...An over all wonderful first day of Spring!
~Spring Blessings~
Take Care,

1 comment:

Primitive Stars said...

Happy Spring, lovely pictures, I enjoy to bird watch too, Blessings Francine.