Sunday, July 24, 2011

~ My Pretties ~

I don't care what the calendar says...Fall is knocking at our door... The sun is changing position in the sky and casting shadows that couldn't be found a month ago...The summer flowers that I planted in late May are visibly nearing the end of their life cycles and the late summer/early fall flowers are beginning to take center stage...Our first crop of sunflowers is looking great...I have to credit their care to my boy, Jacob...He's busy but in his spare time he dutifully waters them...and keeps them alive!!! The oppressive heat lately has kept me inside with the fan...It has been really bad here...


I did make a trip to Lowes over the weekend...I go there too much... The place was like a sauna and I was a drippy mess while waiting in line...Anyway, I found a tomato soup coneflower and brought a couple home with me...No, they weren't on my list...I do make lists with good intentions but I always seem to get extra things ...Ahm, they bloom the shade of tomato soup...really...I've got a before photo and will have to let you see the tomato soup color when they bloom!!

~ Stay Cool ~

Take Care,



Patti said...

How lucky you are!!! Tomato soup coneflowers at Loews! I've been looking for Tomato Soup and Green Envy coneflowers for 3 years and finally resorted to mail order ~ but they were definitely worth the added expense :)Enjoy!
Your sunflowers are lovely!
Blessings, Patti

TheCrankyCrow said...

I agree....change is in the air - you can smell it, and see it....Like everything is ripe and ready.....Beautiful sunflowers - and that sounds so yummy....Tomato Soup coneflowers! Never heard of them, but can't wait to see them in their glory! Have a wonderful week! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

Green Creek Primitives said...

I know what you mean. lots of my flowers are coming to an end, will be really glad when fall comes, just been to hot. I haven't been able to sit on my benches to enjoy my flowers this summer, just to hot since May. Can't wait to see those tomato soup color conefloweres, sound really interesting, will have to look for those. Coneflowers are one of my favorites. Try to stay cool, Vicky