Thursday, February 4, 2010

...Ebay Update...

I'm gonna have to come up with another more peppy title for my ebay's beginning to look very dull seeing the same thing every week... I'll try to have a new and exciting title for next time!! Anyway, there's a brand new rabbit to go see, her name is " Miss Poppy O'Hare"... I did get very creative with her name, as you can see...Please "hop" over there and see her if you get a chance...
Oh, I thought I would show you the obstructionist that kept trying to get into my pictures...I managed to work around her though...Some little kitties are just hams! Maybe I should start putting her in pageants...hmmmm....
Take Care,

1 comment:

Cat Nap Inn Primitives said...

I have the same trouble too..we have 7..yours is adorable..and yes you should put her in the pagents..;)