Sunday, March 5, 2023

~ Pixie~


On a lighter note, I would like to introduce you to Pixie Longtail.
Her name at the shelter was Jalepeno and I would just like
to add that when you run across an animal with a descriptive name like this...
take note and question it!
She came here as a spicy and uncontrollable small kitten...much like the
uncontrollable burn in your mouth after eating a jalepeno pepper.
She has been destroying most of my belongings and into everything I have. I see her all the
time just walking around the house looking for something to tear up when she is bored. (for real)
She has an obsessive fascination with my dried hydrangea arrangements and is destroying them
one by one. She carries off jewelry and trinkets that are lying around, and she runs
full speed and jumps upon tables scattering my displays. I couldn't
even bring all of my Christmas decorations out last year for fear of Pixie
destroying my beautiful ornaments and keepsakes... I have had
to change my life completely because she is unlike any cat that I have ever had before.
 At this point, I cannot even trust her to roam freely about the house 
while I sleep or when I am gone. She is a bundle of impulses all 
wrapped up in a sweet looking kitten. Every decision that I make now has to be prefaced
by the question...can Pixie get to this or will Pixie destroy this?

I lost my precious angel Tabitha last year. I loved her so much... 
My whole world crumbled when
she left me. I know it sounds odd putting so much emotional 
attachment onto a cat ~ but Tabitha was my soul mate. We connected
on a higher level and she was always with me. She helped me through
so much and was sometimes more of a comfort to me
than my own family members. Animals have a way of accepting you
as you are...they know when you are having difficult times
and all that they offer you is unconditional love. She helped 
me through so much.

My kids, in an effort to get me out of my pain and loss, took it
upon themselves to replace Tabitha's memory with Pixie. I wasn't ready
to accept her when she first came here. I was still grieving and 
didn't want to deal with another cat so soon. However, time is slowly healing
my wounds and Pixie is helping me through my grief. I still have 
an occasional  ugly cry for Tabitha &  I still miss her deeply. I truly think
that Pixie has been sent to me to help me recover. She has a sweet side
and tries to cuddle and she even follows me around sometimes. I am learning to
laugh at her destructive side and we are reaching a silent spiritual connection.
This leads me to conclude that ~
we may not always know what we want or need in this life but I think that we are 
taken care of by much higher powers that do!

~Blessed Be~

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