Monday, January 16, 2023

~ Be Feral ~


To be born a feral cat would be a wondrous thing...

You would have the innate ability to discern your situation and make a split 

second life or death decision or follow your instincts as they

lead you into new scenarios whilst always having an escape plan in 

the works. Your life would be fluid and you would live by your intuition, never second- guessing your

decisions. You would continually be free-thinking everything!


Cats do not give their power away or look for anybody's approval. They

know what they want and they focus on it until they get it. 

Also, cats never forget...if they see it and want it and you don't want them to have it...

you had better move it!! They won't give up!


Cats are on a higher frequency level than humans. They see and sense things that

we cannot... They are free spirits and they handle issues and move on without worry... All perfect reasons why

we should try to adapt some of their philosophies into our life:

~ Be independent- don't follow the crowd

~Believe what your gut tells you and not what you see

~ Be a free thinker, there's more than one solution to every problem

~ Be true to yourself & follow your inner core beliefs

~ Size up situations & research before you make decisions

~ Don't be docile & give your power or trust away

~ Focus, focus on what you want & go for it


~ Blessed Be ~

1 comment:

  1. Love this Tina! What an insightful way of looking at cats...and the world. ~Robin~
