Wednesday, October 19, 2022

~ Soul Tribe ~

 You are a beacon of light and the frequency that
you emit attracts others of like mind to you. This is why
a stranger in a crowded room suddenly makes eye contact with you and inches
toward you to strike up a conversation. There's
an instant connection or ease even if you
have never met before. It explains  why your
favorite group to hang out with makes you feel
relaxed and comfortable. You are in sync with their
vibrations and frequency. It also explains why
a friendly conversation at the grocery store with a stranger
can leave you feeling happy for the rest of the day. We don't
need to know the person to connect at the same frequency level
and the universe puts us together when we need that extra
boost in frequency and to recharge our spirit. 
 A good attitude about life and  a positive outlook makes
all the difference in this world. We have a limited time
here and we have a choice between happiness or depression. 
 Your mind is more powerful than you know and
your thoughts and words do make a difference. 
Attract a higher frequency by keeping your frequency high.
Stay in love and light & reject worry and fear.
I found this on an internet meme and thought that it applies perfectly:
Attract what you expect
Reflect what you desire
Become what you respect
Mirror what you admire

~Blessed Be~

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