Wednesday, August 10, 2022

~ Tabitha~

 * We met unexpectedly one day when I had to make a quick stop
 in Petsmart.. I wasn't looking for a new friend but there you were. You
were excited to see me too because you were climbing your cage and
meowing trying to catch my eye and get my attention. Once I saw you,
you stayed on my mind the entire day until I could go back and meet you
at your scheduled viewing time. I could do nothing but think of you!

* Once I held you there was no question in my mind about bringing
you home with me. We bonded and you became my sunshine on my
darkest days and my warmth when life was cruel and cold. You knew how
to quiet my pain and worry and fill my heart with your unconditional love.


*You have been by my side for the last ten years...following me into
every room and beaming your love every day...Your little chirpy meows
have kept me comforted and I have always wanted you happy...

I would do anything for you.


*You left me unexpectedly. I thought that we had more time were still young...I tried to help you any way that I could...
Money was no object...I wanted you to stay with me. Your illness progressed
and there was nothing that I could do to stop it so that you could stay with me.
Losing you has put a big hole in my heart and it will take time to mend it.
I wish you were still here because you were truly an angel. 

You are with your angels. I love you.

                                                              TABITHA (2012-2022)


  1. I am so very for your loss of your beloved Tabitha . Loosing a pet is just heart breaking , they are such a special part of our lives. The Rainbow Bridge leads our fur babies to a very special place ....take care , you will see your little Angel again some day .

  2. Oh very, very, sorry to read this. My heart hurts for you. There is no good way to say goodbye to a beloved friend and matter the circumstances. I know too well about that hole in your heart. Wishing you peace and comfort in time in memories of her. What a precious kitty she was. Hugs ~Robin~

  3. Having felt this myself... I know what you're going through, however, our 4 footed family member was with us for 18 years. It still went by too fast. It still hurts at times, but we reminisce the funny-good times more and more.
    My daughter recently rescued a black kitten and they named him Hopper (after Hopper on Stranger Things). So I can go there to get my kitty fix until we decide if we want another.
    Hugs sweetie.

  4. Tina ~ I'm so very sorry to hear....
    you know you will see each other again one day
    ...she loved you as much as you loved her.

  5. Just started following you and this is the first blog I read. I'm so very sorry to hear your beautiful cat Tabitha has passed, I think losing our four footed loves is just as hard, if not more sometimes, as our two footed ones. Animals have owned me all my life, at the moment, there are 60 feline paws in this household, there were 84 but I have sadly lost some over the past few years. All bar 2 kitties here, are/were strays/rescues that have found me one way or another and who have filled my life with love and have kept me sane (some people may question the sane bit!) I hope your sad heart heals enough to bear the pain of your loss, your Tabitha will meet you at Rainbow Bridge one day. X����‍⬛��X
