Tuesday, June 29, 2021

~Imagination Prymm~

                                             Life is a journey & we meet people along the way who inspire us and change our lives... I met one of those people many years ago when Nancy Duncan joined Early Work Mercantile. She was a wonderful, magical artist who worked in different mediums to create enchanting dolls and fiber art pieces. Her creations  were always unique and her imagination was a true gift. She also had a true gift for storytelling and she created an earthy and bewitching  blog  in which she wrote about herbs and healing during  her favorite period of time ...the colonial era.(my favorite too!)


Before Nancy left Early Work Mercantile, she asked me to paint a portrait of how I see her main blog character...Imagination Prymm. I was honored and thrilled but also hesitant to try because she created this character and I didn't know if I would portray her as she saw her in her mind. Nancy was so sweet and reassuring  and gave me the inspiration and encouragement that I needed to put Goody Prymm on canvas. 



I am thrilled to say that Nancy has turned Goody Prymm into a hard to put down book...I have already read it twice! I love a colonial  hedgewitch and there aren't many well written novels out there concerning these magical wise women... I am so honored that she used the portrait of Imagination Prymm that she asked me to paint as her book cover. She has forever touched my life with her kindness.
Please drop by Amazon.com  or your favorite book store and pick up a copy or two of:

"Imagination Prymm of Ipswich ~ A Year and a Day" by Nancy Rowe Duncan


  1. Oh my....this sounds like it will be right up my proverbial hedge LOL. I popped over to Amazon and added it to my cart....I didn't want to buy it immediately as I am heading out of town for the holiday, have a leaky mailbox, and we seem t o be in the middle of monsoon season. What an honor to have your art work chosen for the cover....and I absolutely LOVE her! ~Robin~

  2. Thank you Robin!! It's a wonderful story ~ you will love it!
    Have a safe trip :0)
